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What If Hitler Won Reddit


Updated: Mar 25, 2020

f6d3264842 Maybe they become the Cuba to Hitler's America. ..... AlternativeHistoryHub on YouTube does a really good short series if the Nazis won WW2.. If Germany is going to beat the USSR, they need to control Moscow and Leningrad by the close of the 1942 campaign season. This isn't .... As for Russia, assuming it had been defeated, Hitler's plan was to kill off a sizable ..... TL;DR: If Hitler Had Won: An Adventure in Existentialism.. less racism, because everyone else would be dead, so there wouldn't be anybody to be racist towards.. I've heard many people say Hitler was on his last legs and was very ill at the time of his death in 1945. How much is known about his health .... 14 May 2012 ... Well, the reason why it's called the "Third Reich" is that Hitler was modeling ... (If you want to get technical, the Holy Roman Empire was the First .... If the axis had won the WWII, the case for America (the continent) would be ... If Hitler had focused the Luftwaffe on British Air Fields instead of .... How would that have turned out? Could they have overpowered the Japanese and Italians?. This is an interesting question and if you want a historian's view on precisely ... to emerge victorious I suggest reading Richard Overy's "Why the Allies Won".. Once the war would be 'won', Hitler would at some point die. At that point, if the shitty economy wouldn't already kill off Germany much earlier, .... In short, Europe would emulate a resource richer North Korea mixed in with the Roman Empire, Hitler would've died in the late 50s if we were .... He could have chosen a different group of people but might have not been as popular doing so. The Jews have been the scapegoats of Europe .... 2 Jun 2014 ... BONUS LEVEL AMERICAN ZOMBIES: Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, and ...... world would be doing on Saturday night if the Nazis had won the war.. First, I don't think Hitler would have been as hesitant to use the bomb as Truman was against the Japanese. In fact, I'd say that he would use it .... If Hitler had won the war and beaten all the allies so that they all surrendered and if the Germans, their helpers, and the soldiers would have.... But what if Hitler surveyed the political landscape, saw that the west was... ... Titler had no powerful allies at all, few resources to win a war of .... Hitler was aiming at conquest of European Russia to the Urals, and .... Never seen a map of the world if Axis would have won WWII before, but i .... If Hitler won then it would've been through using the atomic bomb. Which means he would have captured Einstein before he escaped.. Assuming he remained Fuhrer for the rest of his life, when he finally had a terminal experience would he have been succeeded by another Fuhrer, if so who and .... Clyde, Clyde, if you had the chance right now to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it? I mean, I personally wouldn't; however, ...

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